Losing Weight Yoga

4 min readSep 17, 2021

It is a gentle cardiovascular activity that tunes the heart and oxygenates the organs. But what do you do with love handles?

You are on the mat doing your asanas (the losing weight yoga poses). Everything flows slowly, neither moves nor jumps. You may even have blanked your mind. But his heart has been racing as if he were climbing a mountain. What are they about? “The alternation of contraction and stretching of the muscles increases blood flow and therefore increases the heart rate through the compression and expansion of the veins,” explains Macarena Cutillas, director of Californian Hot Yoga , and a teacher of the vinyasa style . If we also try to do losing weight yoga it in a personal room heated to 4²⁰, such as hot yoga ,the heart rate will be higher: it is not only necessary to face the muscular demands, but also the body cooling ”, he warns. You will sweat more and your pulse will race more. Do not be alarmed, the thing does not reach tachycardia and it is very unlikely that this heart attack ends in drama. Any posture in which we make separate the arms or legs from the trunk forces the heart to pump more blood. It happens, for example, when we raise our arms above our heads and put our palms together. Also, when we place the heart below the rest of the body because we force it to pump blood from a disadvantageous position. We notice it, for example, in the arch on the floor (posture: lying face down, we lift the calves and grasp the heels with our hands) ”.

At this point of agitation of your heart muscle you may wonder if your losing weight yoga class counts as cardiovascular activity. Well, everything will depend on the type of discipline you follow. If it is very static, it will do little. On the other hand, if it is more vigorous, like vinyasa or power flow, it will be well on its way. The key is given by the American College of Sports Medicine . According to this body, in charge of leading the charge when setting the guidelines in sports medicine, cardiovascular fitness is considered to be that activity that leads a subject to develop between 65% and 90% of their maximum heart rate, which It lasts at least 20 minutes and involves large muscle groups and is done three to five days a week.

Professor Juan del Coso, head of the Exercise Physiology laboratory at the Camilo José Cela University, points out: “A healthy person has between 60 and 80 beats per minute at rest. Performing any type of activity will accelerate to meet the energy demands that are produced in the muscles. In this sense, losing weight yoga is in a way a gentle cardio-respiratory fitness modality . However, it should always be considered as a complementary practice, never as the only activity, since it is rarely going to exceed 100 beats per minute ”.

Fewer injuries

If in your first session you notice that your heart is beating like a runaway locomotive, but a couple of months later it begins to bend like a reed in the midst of a bearable cardiovascular bustle, congratulations. Your heart muscle begins to tune and needs to beat less to pump the same amount of blood. In addition, you will be gaining flexibility, a quality that is lacking in the western muscles. Del Coso points out another advantage of practicing losing weight yoga: “Since cardiac stress is limited, the chances of suffering a heart attack in a healthy person are also remote.” So there is no risk? As with the meigas, there are them. As there is no clash or physical link, the prevalence of injuries is lower than that of other sports modalities.” That said, practicing it in the living room with a DVD without having any notion, it can end badly. This is corroborated by the studyEpidemiology of yoga-related injuries in Canada: 73% of the daring suffered some joint damage, especially sprains (34%) and lower extremity injuries of varying degrees (42%).

Zero stress

Why does it help you relax? In losing weight yoga or meditation, the reply of the parasympathetic system predominates [it manages states of calm], the presence of adrenaline and cortisol is reduced and as a result comes that long-awaited relaxation”, explains Tomás Fernández, head of the Sports Medicine Unit of the Cemtro Clinic . Mili Lazcano, instructor at Shambala Yoga Urbano, adds: “By concentrating on each inhalation and exhalation we calm the mind and connect with ourselves.” What the Buddha takes for granted is shown by neuropsychologist Shirley Telles and scientists from the Patanjali Research Foundation and the New Delhi Institute of Medical Sciences: if you focus on your breathing or enter a state of meditation while doing yoga, you can go as low as 19 , 6 beats per minute. And, incidentally, sweep away reactions related to stress and anxiety. Hence, Cesáreo Fernández Alonso, from the San Carlos Hospital Emergency Service, in the Cardiovascular Health Book (BBVA Foundation), points out that so that stress does not end up damaging the heart, in addition to taking drugs, it is worth signing up to relaxation techniques, meditation or yoga.




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