How To Help With Constipation
3 min readSep 17, 2021

Use grains, fiber, fruit juices, sesame seeds, and coffee.

How to help with constipation is a big question in every mind.Tips to provide facility to the intestinal transit of food in a natural way, without resorting to invasive and annoying drugs and systems.

There is a very flourishing industry in the world of pharmaceutical production with regard to medicines that help, as they say in the jargon, “to go to the bathroom”. The discomfort is hard to bear and therefore the drug route is considered the simplest, the most effective and the fastest. But is not so. And the risk of wasting money on medicines that can be avoided with natural remedies , these are really effective, is very high.

The constipation and bloating and abdominal tension afflicting a large proportion of the population. A sedentary lifestyle, stress and bad eating habits can cause these disorders or exacerbate them. The intestine becomes “sluggish” and needs to be stimulated to resume its normal motility. Usually spread harmful and annoying systems or real herbal medicines are used. Here are some remedies to use before relying on drugs.


One of the first tips to combat constipation is to never ignore the urge to go to the bathroom . Many times we find ourselves outside the home or in situations where we cannot go to the bathroom. In those cases we are ignoring our body and the feces harden more and more in the colon tract becoming dehydrated. Swelling and abdominal tension begin to be felt and when we would like to try to sit on the toilet in the bathroom we can no longer “free ourselves”.

TO DEEPEN: Swollen belly, natural remedies to relieve discomfort. Stress and a sedentary lifestyle can accentuate the problem

How To Help With Constipation

Water and bicarbonate: drinking a glass of warm water with bicarbonate as soon as you wake up seems to be one of the main grandmother’s remedies for constipation.

Coffee: the hot coffee stimulates intestinal motility through the action of caffeine.

Fiber: A high-fiber diet helps regulate the gut

Whole food grains: refined food grains block intestinal motility, it would be effective to avoid them in favor of whole

food grains such as rice, bread and pasta prepared with unprocessed and treated flours that increase the amount of water present in the stool.

Apple and pear juice: the juice apple and pear, taken daily, helps the intestines to break free thanks to cleansing carried out by these fruits inside the colon.

Plums and Raisins: Eating plums and raisins, rich in organic acids, sugars with osmotic action and oxyphenisatin (natural laxative) helps to improve discomfort. But be careful not to overdo it as they cause flatulence.

Sesame and pumpkin seeds : the seeds are oily and contain vitamins and salts useful to fight constipation. Here too we must not exaggerate in the assumption. A couple of spoons a day are enough.

Oil and water: drinking a lot of water and taking 3/4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil helps the stool to remain soft even in case of a long intestinal transit favoring natural evacuation.

Physical healthy activity: keeping yourself fit through sports promotes intestinal motility. A sedentary lifestyle, stress and medicines can block the natural functioning of the colon and intestines.


Gastroesophageal reflux: natural remedies to avoid drugs. No cigarettes, tea and coffee

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